My literary life began in February 2017 when I volunteered at the writers’ conference in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Prior to that time, I had written short stories and articles for various publications, but nothing consistently.
Since returning from San Miguel, I have published two books based on my mother’s writing. I offer a presentation detailing the lives and literary contributions of my parents, who are both writers, and in 2019 I had the chance to travel back east for a month-long speaking/book-signing tour. On that trip, I spoke to college classes in Michigan and Syracuse University and at public events in Michigan, Vermont and Massachusetts.
I am currently collaborating with a brilliant artist who is creating a graphic novel based on my father’s childhood. I’ve had this idea rattling around in my brain for years, and finally found the right artist for the job. We hope to have it published in time for me to speak at the 2022 writers’ conference in San Miguel.