Georgette Unis is the author of Watercolors in the Desk Drawer, a full length book of poems forthcoming in 2021, and Tremors, a chapbook of poems, both published by Finishing Line Press in 2018. Several literary journals have published her poetry such as Naugatuck River Review, San Pedro River Review, Southwestern American Literature and Ginosko Literary Review.
In addition to her work as a poet, she has an MFA in mixed media painting and has exhibited her artwork in many solo and group exhibitions, where some galleries have presented broadsides of her poems.
Though born and raised in Arizona, she fell in love with the Sierras in California where she has lived most of her life. The mountains, forests and deserts leading to them, set the stage for the complex relationships between people that inspire both her literary and visual work.
She maintains her home and studio in the Sierra foothills of northern California where she lives with her husband of fifty years.