This is a photo of me during my at-home-in-Carmichael book launch, with my wife, Fran, taking the photo.
I am enjoying a celebratory steak with a glass of 2006 Concannon Petite Sirah. (See my book.)
The book being celebrated is “Under the Black Flag — Piracy Is Not a Victimless Crime,” a novel in my series of Bart Lasiter stories. Please see the front and back covers as well as the spine of the book, below.) In this book, Bart hunts pirates on Lake Tahoe. (See back cover for details.)
At the end of “Under the Black Flag,” the book includes the first three chapters of the next Bart Lasiter novel, “Gold Digger,” coming soon. In “Gold Digger,” Bart deals with missing women, lady bugs, old gold, and a Russian spy. “Under the Black Flag” is available “wherever fine books are sold.” This includes the book’s page on Amazon.
In my book-launch photo above, I am wearing an “It was a dark and stormy night” T-shirt. Dark and Stormy (from Bulwer-Lytton) was made famous by Snoopy and the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, which I won in 2006. If you would like to know more about the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, please click here.
Since then, I have published flash fiction and short stories, all crime fiction.
The website has a good article on me and my writing.
Please click here to see it.

Front Cover

Back Cover
